This man truly adored the legend action star Fernando Poe Jr. From the
famous “patilya” down to the signature outfit of The King, we can say
that this man is a die hard fan. The video entitled Napadaan lang –
Eseng ng Tondo F.P.J. hahahahah uploaded by Armelito Quizon in facebook
became a total hit among the Filipino facebook users.
Around the world, Filipinos are known to be very positive and jolly people. As a matter of fact, we’re included in the top happiest people in the world. As a result, we always find happiness from simple to complicated scenarios in our life which is due to our undying optimism.
What make this video a total hit? Aside from the close to perfect representation of this fan to FPJ, his effort of imitating The King created a great impact. We know that this man is not trying to be funny but in the end everyone found his skit very funny. No offense meant but if this fan aimed to impress everyone with his skill of impersonating The King, we think that he fail but on a lighter and brighter note, he truly drew smile on our faces.
Around the world, Filipinos are known to be very positive and jolly people. As a matter of fact, we’re included in the top happiest people in the world. As a result, we always find happiness from simple to complicated scenarios in our life which is due to our undying optimism.
What make this video a total hit? Aside from the close to perfect representation of this fan to FPJ, his effort of imitating The King created a great impact. We know that this man is not trying to be funny but in the end everyone found his skit very funny. No offense meant but if this fan aimed to impress everyone with his skill of impersonating The King, we think that he fail but on a lighter and brighter note, he truly drew smile on our faces.
update: Video original source: Michael Alonsagay
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